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The Underground Youth – Craig Dyer: «Experience is the biggest inspiration»

Starting as one-man band, Craig Dyer joined forces with Olya Dyer, Max James and Leo Kaage at 2008, creating «The Underground Youth». The 4member post-punk band, coming from Manchester, initiates us to psychedelic sound. According to their creator, the band, which counts 9 albums and 3 EPs and has Berlin as its new basis, has changed a lot during the past 10 years, without losing its desire to create music. Breaking the rules of music industry, Craig Dyer accepts the possibility to turn to different types of music, and believes that the connection between «The Underground youth» and «Joy Division» is just a lazy comparison. When it comes to the possibility of an unsuccessful route, he doesn’t seem to worry· At the end «the project will continue regardless of what happens»…
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – You started from Manchester in England, but now your basis is in Berlin. Do you think that the musical stimuli, offered in each city, are different? How has this movement affected your sound?
Craig Dyer – Every place, every city provides a different form of inspiration. The feelings between Manchester and Berlin are really quite different, and naturally, that has affected the sound of The Underground Youth.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – What would you describe as your main source of inspiration?
Craig Dyer – I guess life in general, the people you meet, the stories you hear and tell, relationships, everything you learn to love or hate. Experience is the biggest inspiration.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – You have already published 9 albums and 3 EPs. Are you afraid of losing your “strength” to create music some day?
Craig Dyer – It’s not a thought I concern myself with. I’ll continue to create music and art in some form until I’m no longer filled with the desire to do so, I don’t imagine that day coming, certainly not any time soon.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – It is supported that you are influenced by the group “Joy Division”. Which part of your sound reminds of them?
Craig Dyer – I find it something of a lazy comparison, we’re a post punk band from Manchester so naturally people make that connection. But aside from a small number of our songs that have elements influenced by that famously imitated ‘Joy Division sound’, I don’t think our overall sound is reminiscent of them.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – Your most recent album is called «Montage Images of Lust & Fear». According to you, what’s the relationship between lust and fear?
Craig Dyer – To focus specifically on the title of the album, the relationship I’m referring to is that shown in the mass media, the use of sex and violence in quick succession. It keeps people both excited and terrified. That was the main theme running through the album.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – Your first albums were available for free at Bandcamp site. Why didn’t you look for a record company?
Craig Dyer – In the beginning I had no desire to pursue that, I was just enjoying the process of making music and putting it out into the world. There’s not really much of a difference in the way I work now, there’s just a few more people involved in the process.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – What do you miss most from Manchester?
Craig Dyer – Manchester does have a great atmosphere, even if it’s changed over the years.. It’s unlike anywhere else and I do miss that.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – Your albums’ covers, some designed by Olya and some others by other artist, intend to predispose for your music? Or is this option based only on artistic criteria?
Craig Dyer – For me and album’s artwork is an important part of the package, we’re presenting a piece of art, the music, the cover, the design is all part of how people perceive that art. It’s something some people take for granted but in my eyes it’s very important.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – Counting from your first album, “Morally Barren”, until the last one, how much do you think that your music has changed?
Craig Dyer – Well naturally the music has changed. Ten years is a long time and I’ve changed and everything around me has changed. You discover new inspiration and you develop as an artist. That’s how it works.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – Which part from your on tour life do you love most?
Craig Dyer – Playing music. There’s a lot of ups and downs that come with touring but the whole reason you do it is to play music.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – Before you start playing music, at the age of 16-17, you used to write poetry. Do you remember what was your first finished poem about?
Craig Dyer – It was actually called ‘Underground Youth’ and it became a song on the first album, ‘Morally Barren’. And thus also inspired the name of the project.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – Could you think of another music style, maybe far from your personal one, that you would like to explore?
Craig Dyer – My taste ranges across a number of musical styles for sure, some I’d consider exploring and others I wouldn’t. I don’t like to hole myself in to one sound or style so I guess in the future anything is possible.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – You have confessed in a previous interview that you try to avoid the commercial music industry, because you dislike many of its characteristics. Which, do you think, is its main defect?
Craig Dyer – The focus on being able to sell a product and the desire for money over the support and appreciation of the art and the artist.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – Your first music attempt was as a one-man band. What do you miss most from this period?
Craig Dyer – If I missed it I’d go back to working that same way, but I’m enjoying the current period we’re going through, having the band as friends that work creatively together.
Eleanna Skiada (Lavart) – Was there a plan B in case of an unsuccessful music route for “Underground Youth”? Or were you determined from the beginning to risk everything for this project?
Craig Dyer – Oh, there’s no plan B, never has been and never will be. The project will continue regardless of what happens. Success or not, that’s not why I do it.
Photos: 1234

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